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2017年08月17日 11:12浏览:

Education/Working Experience

Learning experience

1.9/1980-7/1985,bachelor, Harbin Medical College

2.9/1987-7/1990,master,Harbin Medical College

3.9/1991-7/1994,MD. and PhD ,Shanghai Medical University

Work experience

1.8/1985-8/1987:The Second Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University

2.8/1990-8/ 1991:The Second Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University

3.8/1994-2/2011:The first affiliated hospital of Dalian medical university

4.3/2011 ~:Affiliated Zhongshan Hospital of Dalian University

Participation in the Academic Community

1. Member of Chinese Medical Association, Vice Team leader of chest and heart team

2. Member of China Society of Molecular Imaging (CSMI)

3. Member of Neuroimaging of the Chinese Neuroscience Society, Member of Chinese

Medical Imaging Technology Committee

4. Deputy director of Radiology of Liaoning Medical Association, Vice director of Medical Imaging of Liaoning Province

5. Vice Chairman of Medical Molecular Imaging of Liaoning Medical Association, Member of Chinese society of Oncoradiology

6. Director of Radiology of Dalian Medical Association, Member of Dalian Physicians Association


1. Age and sex related differences in subcortical brain iron concentrations among healthy adults.Neuroimage. 2015, 15: 385-398

2.Transcatheter Arterial Chemoembolization With Gelatin Sponge Microparticles Treated for BCLC Stage B Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Single Center Retrospective Study.Medicine (Baltimore). 2015, 94(52): e2154

3.DTI for the assessment of disease stage in patients with glomerulonephritis - correlation with renal histology.EurRadiol. 2015, 25(1): 92-98.

4.Altered default mode network functional connectivity in schizotypal personality disorder. Schizophrenia Research.2014,160(1-3):51-56

5. In vivo detection of magnetic labeled oxidized multi-walled carbon nanotubes by magnetic resonance imaging Nanotechnology. 2014,25: 495102

6. MR Volumetric Study of Piriform-Cortical Amygdala and Orbitofrontal Cortices: The Aging Effect. PLoS ONE 2013, 8(9): e74526

7.Liver Lobe Volumes and the Ratios of Liver Lobe Volumes to Spleen Volume on Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Staging Liver Fibrosis in a Minipig Model. PLoS ONE, 2013, 8(11): e79681

Research Projects/Grants

Study on the mechanism and treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus with olfactory and cognition disorders using multimodal MRI,national natural science foundation of china 81371526(75 Wan RMB)

Admission Plan/Requirements

1-2 person every year.

1.Brain fMRI researches of olfactory function and olfactory-related diseases

2.Multi-model MRI researches of diabetic encephalopathy

3.Multi-model MRI researches of mild traumatic brain injury

4.Comprehensive radiology researches of early diagnosis small lung cancer

5.Comprehensive radiology researches in diagnosis and treatment of lung infection

