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2017年08月17日 11:56浏览:

Participation in the Academic Community

Member of Clinical Epidemiology specialized branch of the Chinese Medical Assocaiation

Member of Clinical Epidemiology and Evidence Based Medicine specialized branch of the Liaoning Medical Assocaiation

Research Direction

Epidemiology of Chronic Disease

Epidemiology of Infectious Disease

Evidence Based Medicine

Thesis or Articles Published

1.Zhenghong Chen, Jing Shao, , Xiaohong Gao and Xiaofeng Li,*. Effect of Passive Smoking on Female Breast Cancer in China: A Meta-analysis. Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health,2013 APJPH.

2.HuangDan ,GuoQi ,XuZhenjie ,LiXiaofeng,*.Monitoring Results of Drinking Water in Dalian City, 2009-2011. J Environ Occup Med,Jul. 2013 Vol.30 No.7.

3. LiXiaofeng,GaoXiao-hong,WuPing,et al.The Mental Health Condition of The Induced Abortion Women in Dalian. Modern Preventive Medicine,2011,Vol.38,NO.16.

4. LiXiaofeng,AnQing-yu,GaoXiaohong.1:1 Matched Case-control Study on Environment Risk Factors of Rectal Cancer in Rural Areas. Modern Preventive Medicine,2010,Vol.37,NO.18.

5.LiXiaofeng, GaoXiaohong, WuPing, et al.Study on Reproductive Health Knowledge of Abortion Women in Dalian.Modern Preventive Medicine,2009,Vol.37,NO.17.

Scientific Research Project

1. Science and technology program for public wellbeing: "Jianping County’s,Liaoning Province,wellbeingdemonstrativeproject of science and technologyfor the prevention and control of a high incidence of liver disease.”

2.The sub-topics of the 12th Five-Year National Key Technology R&D Program, "For the evaluation indexof sub-health stateandthe urban population sub-health queue and the establishment of the database".

3. The national natural science foundation of China(NSFC)project, "the roleand mechanismof miR - 140 in tumor metastasis "

4.The research projects ofChinasmokingcontrol capacity building, the international union against tuberculosis and lung disease foundation.
